czwartek, 2 września 2010
GO THERE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>7THFLOOR
piątek, 19 lutego 2010
niedziela, 14 lutego 2010
środa, 10 lutego 2010
czwartek, 4 lutego 2010
Co bys zrobil majac tylko 8 dni zycia?
MAKE THE GIRL DANCE [KILL ME] (official video)
Załadowane przez: placeblancherec. - Klipy wideo, wywiady, koncerty i wiele więcej.
MAKE THE GIRL DANCE [KILL ME] (official video)
Załadowane przez: placeblancherec. - Klipy wideo, wywiady, koncerty i wiele więcej.
wtorek, 2 lutego 2010
niedziela, 31 stycznia 2010
piątek, 22 stycznia 2010
środa, 20 stycznia 2010
poniedziałek, 18 stycznia 2010
czwartek, 14 stycznia 2010
wtorek, 12 stycznia 2010
czwartek, 7 stycznia 2010

by Brendan Sullivan
"The worst of the 2000's...
Honestly, the last decade was very good for fashion. We saw the rise of young men wearing their actual pants-size. Women were encouraged to wear dresses that made them look like women and not like Janet Reno. But there were some casualties.
1. Skinny Jeans. You're either skinny and wearing jeans, or not. Don't make it the pants' decision.

2. I am not the first, but I hope I'm the last to point out that the name says it all: Uggs.
4. I don't have anything bad to say about the Twilight world and the rise of tween culture that happened last decade. The only thing that did was make a gaggle of middle-aged women think that being a teenager is somehow not awkward, embarrassing, or boring. There's nothing wrong with something that gets thousands of non-readers to pick up a book (with the exception of Scientology). It's probably a lot healthier a fantasy to inhabit than whatever we were doing in the nineties before Harry Potter came along. That's all. No judgement here.
5. Just kidding. Vampire-style is hideous. It's like the Ed Hardy of culture.
6. Also, hip teenagers? What on earth will you have to strive for if you're never cooler than your facebook status in ninth grade? When you're done dancing around in a circle, why don't you yank those sparkling shoes off your feet and get out there and mow the lawn so you guys can buy some more sunglasses, Mikey.
source: TFS
wtorek, 5 stycznia 2010
niedziela, 3 stycznia 2010
sobota, 2 stycznia 2010
piątek, 1 stycznia 2010
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